Category: Fine Photo Goods

Wall Worthy Wednesday | MHP Behind The Scenes Wall Galleries |ATX Family Photographer
I'm so happy to bring back Wall Worthy Wednesday's once per month and this time I am featuring a behind the scenes of a client wall gallery. There are two reasons why I am so stoked about his post. ...

Fine Art Boxes | Jacksonville Photography Boutique Products
So it seems this week's theme is mostly about products. Totally don't mean to get all sales pitchy, but a girls gotta have her choices right? I do have so many great sessions to feature, but rarely do...

Why Professional Albums May Not Be a Good Fit For You?
I am incredibly passionate about the art of storytelling, and if there is one item in my studio that helps to do that well... for me, it is albums. Probably one of our clients most favorite items. A...

Displaying your Family Portraits l Southside Family Photographer
Which size, which wall? A question I am asked most often when it comes to displaying your family portraits. The truth is, not all walls are created equal and there is no one size fits all model here. ...
The time has come.. sorta :: Jacksonville Portrait Photographer
I'm so excited to share the news with everyone, but it leaves me with a little bit of a bittersweet taste. From the time that I started Marie Holmes Photography I knew that my main goal was to work as...