Your Name: Lizzy Brogan

Company Name: Squishy Banana Studios

Web and Social Media Links:;;

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How did you decide on the name of your business? Back in college, a friend and I had Broccoli Studios. I always thought a food name for a kid business would be a hit. One day I found a squished banana all over the inside of my purse…turned lemons into lemonade and Squishy Banana Studios was born.

How long has your business been around? 2 years

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Tell us more about your product/business and how you developed the concept behind it: I wanted to merge my two loves of theatre/film and children into one. We are fully mobile, meaning we bring the fun to you with karaoke and filmmaking parties. We also have classes, filmmaking camps, and kids night out events throughout the year.

What makes your business so unique? I want kids to be able to be themselves and let their creative minds grow. We’re not your typical bouncy house birthday party. It’s awesome to see kids and teens get out of their comfort zones to express themselves and create things.

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Do you have a storefront? Do you work from home? I work from home and am mobile for parties and events. Our film camp is happening at our home studio in south Austin.

How do you balance it all? I come from the film world, which is a whole lot of nothing followed by intense periods of everything happening at once. I love the balancing act. It’s different every day, but you make it work.

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What is one piece of advice you can give to any mom starting their business? It’s not all going to happen overnight…It’s a process that is always changing and constantly needs nurturing.

What is the best aspect about having your own business? No boss and you’re in charge of your future.

What is the part you struggle with the most in your business? I am terrible with words. Getting the word out about my business and marketing have been the hardest for me.

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What did you wish you knew before starting a business? I wish I knew it was an ever-changing process.

Do you have a future or long terms goals with your business? We are working on a filmmaking book and an after school program. In the next few years, I hope to have a storefront as well.

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Fun Facts:

What do you love to do when you’re not being supermom? I can binge-watch the crap out of some Netflix shows.

What is your favorite household product? I like Windex multisurface cleaner.

What wardrobe staple can you not live without? Capri Yoga pants

What was your first job? Whataburger

What celebrity would you love to have dinner with? Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks, and Judd Apatow

What was the last book you read? You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

Is there any piece of advice, tips, events happening or discounts you would like to share with our readers? Be on the lookout for monthly “Kids Night Out” events and mention “momprenuer” to get $25 off your next party or camp admission.