Have you ever spent some time getting all dolled up, taken out your phone, and snapped a selfie? All of your hard work probably looked fabulous! But then later on, you hired a photographer, got all dolled up like before, and the outcome was a bit… less than fabulous. What gives? Well, the thing is, the makeup that looked great on your phone’s camera might not look the same way on a professional camera. The average DSLR or above will have a higher quality than any cellphone camera, and unless you’re a professional makeup artist, the difference will be visible. In a professional photo session, it might take another tier of makeup to counter the difference, and it takes an expert to bring out a natural style and look. And let’s be honest, ladies (especially mommies), sometimes we just don’t have the time or energy to do our makeup for an hour or two.
The good news is, you don’t have to! It’s become common practice for photographers to work alongside makeup artists, to craft a holistic experience for their clients, and that’s how we do it at our studio. We want to be your guides through an experience that leaves you refreshed and relaxed, with a gorgeous swath of photos to cherish. It’s our mission for you to leave confident and happy, and having your makeup done is part of that. If you have kids, or if you have a really demanding job, you know that any time you can save is time earned, and if you’ve ever had your makeup done, you know that the artist is lifting a burden from your already strained shoulders. It takes away the stress of having to apply your own, because often the whole task is just one more thing that you have to do in the day – and some days it’s just too much to worry about.

You don’t want to show up for your photo shoot looking frazzled. The pictures you’ll end up with are ones that you’ll have with you forever, memories that you’ll look back on for years to come. Our makeup artist works with us to make a consistent look, that fits your personality and our vision for the shoot itself. That way, there’s nothing in the pictures that looks out of place, which can happen with makeup that’s mismatched for the scene in the studio, or the location outdoors. The lighting in either situation will determine the makeup, and having to worry about soft light and harsh tones is a headache that you don’t need. Having an artist along for the ride means that any touchups can be done quickly and accurately, wiping away any chance for stress, and ultimately they’ll contribute to photos that you’ll love to hang up in your home for all to see.
Not having to worry about your makeup, and knowing that you’re in incredibly good hands, inspires confidence. We believe wholeheartedly that each person that comes through our doors is beautiful, but sometimes it’s covered up by thoughts of doubt, or feeling that they don’t deserve a photo session dedicated all to them. We want to dash those thoughts and feelings to pieces, giving you a renewed confidence in your own beauty. Getting your makeup done at the studio is a vital step to that process, as professional makeup is done with you as the priority and is included in our signature session series. Our artist focuses on you and your personality, not caking on unnecessary layers, but using just enough to even skin tones, brighten the eyes and bring out that gorgeous you that we saw come into the studio. Having your photos taken can be a trying, awkward experience, but having our artist take care of things will leave you feeling bold and beautiful, and comfortable in front of the lens.
In the end, it’s about you. If we can take any stress from your life, we’ll be glad to have it, and we’re well prepared to take it on. Our artists and your photographer are a unified team that works together to bolster your confidence, draw out your innate beauty, and capture that gorgeous soul of yours in pictures you’ll have with you forever. Taking out any of the steps in this process takes something away from the whole experience, and we want to give you the pampered day you deserve.