Yup it’s that time!-Jacksonville Holiday Photography

Promotions and Special Offers

November 11, 2011

Oh yes…. you can’t run from it. It’s here. The crazy, late night shopping,  fight for a parking spot, “Christmas Story” movie night’s, peppermint latte, feet hurt, oh my! “I forgot so and so’s gift” run to the store on Christmas Eve… time of the year is here. Hopefully what will keep you a little sane this holiday season is looking back on those cute little faces that have been making their list’s since July, and if there faces don’t help.. I might be willing to trade mine for a day or two.  Details are below and btw: The location is TBA upon booking …but I promise, you will love my secret spot! The card for the promo below is one that I passed out to family and friends as last years Christmas card.. and it is one of tens that are available for customization as an option for your mini session package. To get more details on pricing and what’s included you can take a look here: Short Story Sessions. I did want to keep this session type closed at least until January due to our family making a big move and another big/huge promotion underway during the holiday season.. but what the hey, 2 dates and 1 great deal… I’m in.  How about you? Merry Christmas….