Forever Young :: Southside Newborn Portraits

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April 17, 2012

I mean really… don’t you just wish newborns could stay tiny forever? You know, I really wouldn’t mind if they became a new species of  little people that just stayed that size throughout the span of life and it would actually be considered “normal”.  Kind of like the human form of a tea cup puppy (Okay, one thing wrong with that whole sentence.. I just compared a newborn to a teacup puppy?!), I think I will have my mid day coffee now.  All jokes aside, there is nothing more sweeter than that new baby smell, that wrinkly peeling skin and tiny little toes.  I wouldn’t hesitate to make it happen if it was scientifically possible.  But back to reality… I think what’s even more monumental is being able to watch this little piece of you grow into it’s own person. Anticipating who they will be or what they will acomplish in life is the most amazing experience.  The newborn stage is the one stage of life I would say cannot go uncaptured. This is going to be the most unintentionally forgotten stage because it lasts so quickly and documenting this moment while they are fresh and new will bring you back to that place time and time again.

Here is a session that was done last July, yes that’s right you heard “July 2011”.  I know…. I’m terrible. (*My hopes are that I am able to catch up some of my favorites before it’s time to refresh the ol’  blog and site again soon.)  In fact, mom just booked his one year session with me and I had completely forgotten that I have not posted his newborn session or any other sessions for that matter. But to avoid a really GARGANTUAN post (because I have so many favorites from each session :) I will just do few newborn images here and then maybe do a follow up when we have his one year, I think that will be very interesting to see .

This was one of those special sessions that I was privileged to watch from the very beginning. Let’s see… I shot their wedding … and then their maternity session….**birth** ( partial) …and then the newbie session and now coming up is one year! I really cannot believe how much time has past. But each event has been equally special and I am so honored to be able to record their family history.  They really have become like even my own family now and I look forward to seeing them every single time.

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