Amanda and I have been on an emotional roller coaster the past few months. We have both been restructuring our businesses for what it seems like forever, I’m sure she will probably agree. In honor of that and our progress I wanted to switch up a bit here on the journal today. I present to you Amanda McPhee Photography. Calgary’s beauty photographer. The girl has a way with making beauty shine even brighter than the sun.


Name, business location?  

Amanda McPhee, Amanda McPhee Photography, Calgary AB

How long have you been a photographer?

 I’ve been taking photographs since I was given my first film SLR in 1999

What/who do you love to shoot? (ie families, children, couples etc)?

 I love shooting beauty. Getting women glammed up for some fun beauty shots or even boudoir. It’s fun and the ladies always tell me how confident they feel afterwards. It’s empowering to give that to someone.



What are the 3 words that describe your style?

   Classic, Timeless,  Simple


Why do you love being a photographer?

       My passion started when I was young trying to convince people who hated having their picture taken that they could look great in a photo. I still love doing that which is one reason why I love shooting beauty. Women often don’t have really nice pictures of just themselves. We all think we look bad or fat in photographs and I love proving them wrong! It’s such a boost from their self-esteem and I love being able to give that to my clients.

Describe your ideal session….

     I would love to do a chic shoot on a farm with a huge red barn. I think it would be really fun and the textures and color would be beautiful. I’m excited because a friend of mine is getting married at a ranch in Sept and I’m shooting her ceremony so I will get my chance!


What is the one piece of equipment you could not live without and why?

     My external flash. I used to hate flash photography but then I learned how to use it. Now I need it to achieve my signature photos of shooting into the sun. I love using the sun behind my clients then filling in the light on their faces with a soft flash. It’s just magical.

What is the one thing you wish clients knew/understood about professional photographers?

    We absolutely love what we do but it is very time consuming. It’s not as simple as shooting you for 2 hrs and handing over the disc. We spend a lot of time learning about light and our cameras so that the session runs smoothly. We also spend a lot of time making each image perfect for you. Photography is a form of custom artwork. When you purchase a print your paying for more than just the paper it’s printed on, you’re paying for the photographers talent & artistic vision.



What is your favorite product that you sell to your clients and why?

       I love canvas! It’s such a classic way to showcase your photographs. My studio does such a beautiful job wrapping and finishing my canvas with a beautiful satin finish. They are just gorgeous. What’s great is that they come ready to hang so you don’t have to worry about the extra costs of framing them.  

images of a beautiful woman in a field

Canon or Nikon?

 Canon all the way.


and for fun!

What is your go-lens and why?

I actually only shoot with one lens at the moment. When I bought my camera I did some research and chose to invest in one high quality lens instead of having multiple lower quality lens. I currently shoot with the Canon F4  24-105mm F4 L series lens which is a part of Canons professional series lens. It allows me to get in a little closer without my clients knowing ;)

If you could attend any workshop or be mentored by your favorite photographer who/where would it be?

I would love the opportunity to work with Sue Bryce. She has a lot of experience in the industry and she is so level headed and genuine. While I’m certain I may or may not agree with all she may have to teach I think the experience would be invaluable.

What is your most used prop?

The sun. Since I shoot primarily women & families I don’t use many props. I love to shoot into the sun to get those beautiful sunbursts. I know that sound a little backwards but I’ve managed to make it work and I just love the challenge.  

What was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened during a shoot? 

HA I don’t have embarrassing moments with my clients! Seriously! I usually start my sessions saying something like this: “I’m a bit clumsy. It’s not uncommon for me to trip, fall, walk into something etc. feel free to laugh at me, I won’t be offended and I’ll likely laugh myself” this usually breaks the ice. They laugh and then I don’t worry about making a fool of myself. It’s bound to happen at least once during a shoot.

If you weren’t a photographer what other profession would you be? 

IT’s a toss up. I love to tinker with websites so I think I would make a great web designer or customizer. I also love to teach people things, particularly photography related. It’s fun to watch those ah-ha moments in people. Lastly, someday I’d like to take on the profession of mommy. Yes I think it’s a profession even though you don’t get paid!

If you could photograph anything in the world what would it be? 

Honestly, this will sound strange being a portrait photographer but I’ve always wanted to go to Italy & Rome and photograph the architecture.   

What is your biggest photography pet peeve?

When Photographers criticize each other. There is select number of photographers who believe that if they help another photographer out they will hurt their own business. I am truly of the mindset that the more we help others the stronger the industry will be as a whole. There is plenty of room for all of us to have our own style and thrive in our business, so we should just stop hating.   

What is your guilty pleasure of choice when editing?

I Looooooooooove Black & white. So much actually I want to start offering sessions in black & white only. I just love the story that black & white tells.

What was the turning point in your career?

Last year I burnt out. I realized that in order to continue doing what I loved doing I needed to pull together a better business plan that allows me to focus on my clients but still have a life with my family. It’s been a long road but the plan is complete, now it’s the hard part of putting it into action and getting back out there.

Mac or PC?

I used to be PC but switched to Mac last year and I just love it <3

To see more of Amanda’s work check out her beauty blog here: Calgary Beauty Photographer