

So yeah.. this happening and the countdown officially starts today…. 30 days and we are moving to the Austin, Texas area! This is going to be the biggest move my family has made to date. I’m excited, I’m sad, I’m happy…. I’m totally riding the emotional roller coaster right now.. BUT.. with every new change that comes your way you become stronger, wiser and overall more well rounded so I am looking forward to all of that positive energy coming my way! I definitely will have more to share soon about our move and recent sessions, but for now things will be a bit quiet around here if you haven’t noticed already. With the kids home for the summer, packing and tying up loose ends in the MHP headquarters things are a little cray.  Most of all, I will certainly be missing families like this that I have been working for a quite some time now (take a peek at my home page and you will see big brother before dubbing the “big brother” title). Every session with the F family has been like sharing memories in a time capsule so much fun! Going to miss  E-V-E-R-Y S-I-N-G-L-E one of you!

downtown, jax, family, photos