I have had the pleasure of working with the D family a few times, and each session has been fun and full of pure love and joy. We spent some time exploring one of my favorite spots for sessions in Jacksonville,  Alpine Groves Park. There are just so many little nooks and crannies here that make such wonderful little photo opportunities, but best of all, it’s always secluded and such a comfortable environment for families and kiddos alike. Having worked with them from this session I felt so honored to be called again to capture another little new one that made a small cameo for this session so stay tuned for that later and be sure to take a peek all the way until the end! One thing is for sure though…this family sure knows how to snuggle and cuddle. I bet they are keeping each other warm during this little cold front that has been happening as of lately.


could this little guy be any more cute I mean seriously!


curated from love and bliss.

to be continued…..