Motherhood & Family


pure, organic storytelling on analog film

From the time I was little girl I was already building a pretend family home out of couch cushions, teaching stuffed animals from coloring books and closely observing my mother entertain family and friends with her delicious meals while putting food coloring and water in play teapots. I was-  inadvertently setting myself up for bigger things later. Fortunately, I’ve been blessed with having some of the best mothers around me. Each one unique with their story and here I am hoping that I can take all of the many amazing facets they are made up of, bottle them up and use them when I need that guidance for my own journey. My mother, who seems to have super powers is virtually bullet proof considering what life has thrown at her. She is strong, openhearted, passionate about even the small things in life that make her so happy and has a grateful heart. My husband’s mom who is also like a second mother to me is always putting everyone else’s needs ahead of her own, hardworking and generous with her time and her love for the very family she holds so dear, I am always inspired by the uniquely different ways they mother. There have been many other women I have come across both personally and professionally and I find myself constantly wanting to know more about them.

Most recently I took a very short break. I keep work behind the scenes but I wanted motherhood to step in front and center instead of just trying to manage it into the same category of everything else. I’m not sure why I waited until the last minute to stop and slow down, but the saying can’t be true enough, time flies. I was struck with disbelief that I’ve come to this stage in life already as a mother and parent. With one child leaving the nest for college and so many new changes for our family I felt mothering was calling my attention on a whole other level. In fact, as I write this I am minutes from leaving my home office and shopping for last minute prom items- And I’m all like “how did we get here so fast already?” but we are. I didn’t want to disregard this as just end of the year stuff.. it was just so much more deeper for me personally. And I don’t know how I will feel when the next big phase in motherhood comes but it’s been crucial for me to stop and reflect on how I feel now, how far I have come and how much more I can grow. Motherhood is very much like an artistry. In the beginning you wonder what the heck you were thinking.  Then you get better at your craft and realize that the path you were on was the very path you needed to be walking even though it was not your best work.

With that in mind, on a photography note I wanted to share some other things as well which will phase in over a course of time. I don’t want to rush the process. I want to feel it come to me from my head all the way down to my toes.

I started my career as a photographer in late 2009. I ventured into weddings and everything in between until I felt truly connected to working with families in the last 7 years or so. I wanted my sessions to be an escape, a sense of peace from a world that is overcome by distractions. I wanted to be able to witness families developing their relationships through my lens. And I’ve been honored to see this magic unfold so many times. However I’ve noticed more that I have been drawn to matriarch of every session, highlighting her in a beautiful light with or without her children and family. I’ve since always unconsciously hyper focused on the mama. Convincing her to partake in pictures of her babies even if she came to watch and wasn’t dressed the part. Gifting her a professional makeup application so that she can have that one day documented where she feels confident and at her best, helping her with wardrobe and offering up items from our new style closet we created just for her so she has one less thing to worry about for herself when planning for her family’s session. There is a beauty and honesty that comes out of every shoot she is showcased in and it lights me up inside to be able to capture that. So friends, I feel like my own journey into motherhood has taken me to this special place for my work. After years of labeling myself as a family photographer I am now shifting gears and building every shoot around “her” in a hybrid format (which I will talk more about soon). This is the woman who gently tucks her daughters hair behind her ears, the woman who is about to embark on an amazing journey into motherhood for the first time, the boy mom, the furry baby mom, the lady boss mom, the mom who dares to see herself in the best light yet. Motherhood sessions have been floating around lately so the terminology may be familiar but I’m not talking about a simple “mommy and me” shoot. I’m talking about real, authentic motherhood and details captured on film. I have spent the last year working on this experience so that it’s catered more towards her because I feel she deserves to be celebrated more than that. I do of course still plan to capture the essence of family but there is just something about motherhood that is spirited and so organically beautiful. I’ve been more attentive to this aspect and watching it bloom right in front of me has been purely magical.

Last, I also wanted to welcome you to the new Marie Holmes & Co. (formerly known as Marie Holmes Photography.) I am excited about his change and invite you to join me on this new adventure.


Happy Mothers Day 2018.
