I can’t believe we’ve already been here roughly one month! It has gone by so fast but I’m absolutely loving every minute of it. Austin is an amazing little city full of life, art, great people and amazing food. In the few short weeks of being here I’ve discovered so much more about myself, that it’s almost been a bit overwhelming. Now, I  do have some MAJOR catching up to do on here… but I know you’ll enjoy all the fun new stuff that will be rolled out. From what life looks like for me and family in Texas, to presenting you some sessions that I have yet to feature from some amazing families in Jacksonville, Florida. So as I get settled with changes and try to make my way around, I definitely want to keep this blog open so that I can have a place to share my adventures both in family life and business.

When we first got here, of course we didn’t have internet for a little while so my days consisted of unpacking, running errands and keeping our family up to date on what was happening with us. I absolutely fell in love with instagram again… I love the simplicity with limited ad’s and being able to instantly sync them to my facebook page. So make sure to follow me  if you want to see any updates!

I have to say that there are 4 things I want to highlight from all of these changes so far….

1. The skies here are just beautiful. The sunsets truly melt into the earth and the clouds are as delicious as cotton candy. Most mornings I get up and take a photo on my back porch. Looking at the sky at that time just does something to me. It’s like the perfect medicine to start my day.

2. It’s just hot. I mean it gets breezy but if you’ve ever been to the beach and had the sun directly on your back on a hot summers day, that’s what I think it feels like all-the-time.

3. I am on a personal quest to better my overall health and well being.  It wasn’t until the move started that things really began to weigh heavily on me with my work/life balance. I thought I had a good grasp on things, but clearly I was wrong. It felt like going 100 miles an hour and then coming to a screeching hault- not a pretty picture. So to help get back on track I’ve been eating clean, working out 6 days per week and really trying to fit in a little bit of me time even if it’s just those 10 minutes outside in the morning on the back porch. I talk about this every once in a while on instagram and you can follow my journey through #mymodernzen.  If there is anything you are doing to better yourself, your health, your overall life balance I want to see it too so feel free to join in! I’m not quite sure yet where i’m going to land my feet .. this move maybe temporary so I’m going to take the time to really focus on myself and my family while taking very few commissions during the year.

4. My school portrait division is officially underway, facebookers and instagramers got a first look. I’m just so excited about it, it’s fun, it’s fresh and it simply just highlights the little one’s in a way that generic could never do. It shows that they are little people with big personalities and I love that aspect. I think our regular school portrait system could definitely use a change. I will be talking more about that as well in the coming weeks! If you are an Austin preschool, primary school or daycare center and would like to know more you can email:

