A trip down memory lane.


April 19, 2012

So apparently I forgot that the GARGANTUAN post that I wanted to hold off on is actually going to sorta end up happening on this post and story instead.

Today or (rather most days if I’m lucky) I’m bursting at the seams with joy! I am so happy where I am at in my life right now.. it was a very hard road to get here, but I’m here..finally! and I am beyond words for how I feel.

So what is today? Well today, April 19th, marks four years of marriage to my wonderful husband. I can give you details about the “quesadilla” story and how our relationship came to be but I might bore you with that “cheesy” love story (ahh… I laugh at myself all the time). We started dating 11 years ago, neither him or I expected or really knew how to be in love but we were young and things were moving quite quickly. We didn’t get exactly “hitched” until 7 years into our relationship. It wasn’t something we felt we “needed” to cross off our do do list asap. We were both taking up some college courses when we finally had some time to think about it (heck when we met.. I was still in highschool) but we were both working full time, and the hardest obstacle for me was the fact that I was a young mom so finances were not in abundance. Then 5 years into our relationship (early college years) we found out we were expecting our little girl.  The last thing on my mind was figuring out wedding plans… after all we did kinda do everything backwards so no rush in waiting some more.

We said we could have always gotten married at a courthouse, but that was too easy for my right brained thinking.  And although I probably would have married him in a cave if I had to, the more time that passed the more dreaming I did. So we saved up as many pennies as we could until we finally put it towards our wedding in 2008 (again very difficult as young parents, who worked full time and also attended college but we were able to do it with some help of course). It was such a great time spending time with family and friends, really the main goal of the wedding was to unify our unconventional family publically…and so we did on that beautiful Saturday evening.

My husband has played such a major role in life, he has been my support system, my best friend an amazing father to our kiddos… everything I could have imagined (minus the days he makes me crazy).  He accepts me for who I am, he is funny and quirky in his own way and he surprises me with new things to love about him everyday. I’m not saying that I live a fairy tale everyday, in fact it’s not always smooth sailing but if there is anyone that I would have to endure the storm with it’s going to be him because I know that we would make it out safe together. I am so happy and I feel so blessed that the heavens above decided to pair us up. Cheers to 4 years of marriage and one of the best days of my life!

Wedding shot by the talented Jamie and George May of (they were outstanding!)

 this is a really special moment for me here as my oldest walks me down the aisle….

this image always makes me giggle…

our little family -1