
I am.
Oh boy. The time comes and goes as fast as the human eye blinks it seems but however long it lasts Batman is still quite the favorite character in our house these days.

a rainbow kind of connection
This is a classic case where each session I have with the same family just gets better and better. I've been working with theAlbers for a few years now and I love that they just get me. I get them. It's photographic chemistry.....

365 days of facebook release!
One of my goals this year is to nurture my Facebook business page a little bit more. Social media has been quite literally a pain in my hip, but I know it's an important business marketing outlet that...

Inspiring Mompreneurs
Breaking in the first week of the new year with an inspiring interview from Maruxa Murphy, a published author, co-owner of several Facebook community groups including Austin Mom's Network, a mother, ...

it’s not just another day.
As much as I would like to say I stick by resolutions I don't. Getting through the morning without a stain on my shirt is about as good as gold for me. But I do have plans, and dreams and things I wou...

where there’s happiness
....there's love, and then there is life.