An Optional Blog Sidebar Layout
Sometimes you just want to mix it up, and now with our optional sidebar layout you can do just that. Choose to add a sidebar to the entire blog, or just to specific posts - the choice is really up to ...
Big, Bold Full-Width Blog Images
If you read our other post about how much we like single column blogs, then you’ll also know that we like great full width photos that demand your attention. So here are some more to really get our po...

Fun in the Sun. | Old Settlers Park Child Portraits | Austin Kid Photographer
This little darling was a sweetie and such a joy to work with. We stopped by two locations by Old Settlers Park in Round Rock, Texas. We started first near some silos as we waited for the sun to desce...
Lots of Styled Headings for Structure
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A Gift for Mom | Free Starbucks Coffee | Austin Family Photographer
I feel like I need to pay it forward and extend my gratitude this Mothers Day. When calls come into the office, it is usually mom that I get to speak with. We chat casually about the goals of her ...
Another Post on All Things Coastal
Nam dapibus quis tortor vitae blandit. Quisque a enim id diam elementum sodales. In pharetra at orci sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse porta tellus a tellus maximus, non pulvinar ipsum eleifend. Donec id ...