

January 19, 2012


I had the pleasure of working with this wonderful and amazing girl a few months back and I have been itching to share this session. While it played out exactly how I had envisioned, it did not come without it’s hiccups. The location, nearly within walking distance to my home was the perfect setting for my anticipated shoot… however, we will just say next time: *I will strap down the mattress a little better*. It was very lightweight therefore causing the gust of wind at nearly 2.5 miles per hours to send it flapping away on the roof of my car. While it was about 7 am on a weekend upon my arrival and within close proximity, this could have been very dangerous! It was a bit embarrassing to say the least, more so that I had to drive at a glacial pace giving people enough time to identify the woman with the flapping mattress. But after the initial shoot.. I held that sucker down with one arm out the window and the other on the wheel with a big ole’ smile on my face. Another mishap was that I was so wrapped up into the shoot that we never did a second outfit change.  On the positive side, we ended up with so many different frames in the end that I really don’t think I will miss it.  Either way, everything worked out with the more intense dreamy feel I was going for…  I am really happy with the results. Thanks again R for being such a good sport!