Nothing could make me remember this family portrait session more than the cool gusts of wind we have been having here in Austin. I shot this session in the Atlantic Beach area of Jacksonville over in the secluded Howell Park just off the main road. Things were quiet (and cold… did I mention cold?) but I loved it because we were able to enjoy our session time together and have fun and get silly without the worry of onlookers watching our every move. I wish I could multiply this family, seriously they were just up for anything, mom on the dirt, check. Dad throwing kids in the air, check. Boys and their capes, check. We had a blast considering the camera battery incident that set our session behind about a half hour.. Oops! Nonetheless, I think I made up for it with the documentation of smiling faces, giggles and brotherhood caught on film for mom to have and enjoy everyday on her walls and coffee table! This session is just bursting with pops of red from their capes and blues from their outfits, I also loved the connections we captured! So without further ado… introducing the C family!