It seems as though my breakup with social media is slowing turning into a make up. Not by choice, but because I’ve been steadily staying on path and practicing all that I’ve preached and shared recently from this post. I firmly believe that when you share from your heart without feeling pressured to “perform” you will find so much enjoyment when you do and you won’t feel like it’s an missed opportunity when you don’t. Which brings me to yet another community topic here on the blog today. Finding the different ways you can support and share your favorite local businesses on social media and other places.. (spoiler alert, you can do this all for FREE!)

I wanted to touch on this topic because I feel like it’s not talked about enough. But more so because I have have found myself on more than one occasion trying to find information online that someone posted or shared but did not tag the business. In my industry for example, I honestly can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a beautiful image of a family who I’ve known who the photographer was, but they weren’t tagged or mentioned in the caption. Alternatively, I’ve noticed creative work that draws me in and with curiosity and wanted to know who took the photo so I could follow them to see more. Again, no details. Perhaps there is some level of gatekeeping? Like a secret sauce or some competitive advantage. Or maybe some information is genuinely never left out intentionally or is simply forgotten. Either way, whatever the product or service we all need support in order to grow. I can assure you that nothing would make a small business happier than singing their praises. I’ll tell you that when my clients are happy the entire day just hits different and when they spread the word it’s an added bonus to their satisfaction that they trust me enough to share with their friends and family. Sharing really is all about caring.

Let’s start with the easiest ways that literally require absolutely no effort.

Like a Post.
On Instagram or Facebook much? Have you scrolled quickly passed a local business you have recently used but for some reason or another just double tapping the photo to “heart” didn’t cross your mind? Maybe scrolling too fast? Look, I get it. We are getting inundated by these little squares that seem to take up so much of our time in a day. By simply liking your favorite businesses’ post you are inadvertently helping them grow. You are saying, I like you and they will really appreciate that you’ve noticed them enough to stop your scroll and show that love.

Bookmark a post that Inspires you.
Okay so maybe you haven’t used a certain business in a tangible way, but guess what? If you are on the receiving end of a new-to-you idea (see what I did there?) You are in fact getting something even if it simply inspires you. I love to hit that little bookmark button on the bottom right of the image on a platform such as Instagram. Technically, it’s called “Instagram Saves” and what it does is use engagement metrics to to figure out which posts get priority along with any other engagement activity such as commenting and liking. When you save your favorite content you are essentially telling Instagram it is an informative or inspiring post that is worthy of keeping safe and it will then bump it up so more people can see it.

Tag them on your Post.
This is probably the fail I see most often. I love to support small businesses myself- and yes even if they are a direct competitor so any chance I have to share my love I will. I will often click on an image or post to see who was tagged and nothing comes up. It makes me so sad as I know how hard a lot of small businesses work to build brand awareness including myself. It takes no more than a few seconds to find the business and tag them so that others can be filled in with who you used or why you love that product/business so much!

Word of Mouth.
When the words come out so effortlessly. “Who did you use?” “Who made you that?” “Where did you get it done?”. It can’t get easier to share on the spot right? But here’s the thing. Sometimes it take a little more effort to initiate your word of mouth. Perhaps by making a quick post after you’ve eaten that delicious cake from that amazing bakery or seeing someone in need of a service or product that you have used and loved and letting them know about it. This my friends is also part of word of mouth. Not just waiting until asked, but also when you willingly share.

Alright so moving into just a tiny bit of effort, which again, takes nothing.. but maybe you need to remind yourself to set aside a few minutes to get it done?

Share a Photo
You don’t have to tell me that images make an impact. Trust me, I already know- I’m in this game. But what I love the most is when clients share images from sessions we’ve had. I could say that any business appreciates photo sharing of their product or service. When a photo is shared it feels almost tangible. It gives a good depiction of the quality and style of said item. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever made a comfortable purchase of something that didn’t have a photo to be honest. Pictures are what helps small businesses expand and grow in some of the biggest ways.

Comment and Engage
This is what I’m going to say about this. While commenting “That looks awesome!” or posting an emoji is great, it helps even more when a little bit more thought is put into it. With so many bots on the loose it’s much too easy to make a three word comment and have that effort go wasted. It’s no secret comments really do turn into customers, so ideally, you’ll want to share more about your experience or engage in a genuine way. Striking up a conversation in the comments section let’s platforms know that users are enjoying the content that is being shared and by default will prioritize that feed so more can see it. That business will adore you for taking the time and because it’s hard out there in social media land and this gives a good boost. In in return, you’ll feel so great about being a part of that growth trust me!

Leave a Review
Reviews are not given enough for small businesses and at the same time it can act as a lifeline. I know for me, when it comes to where to eat, go or buy, I’m looking at the reviews. Even when a business has been recommended by word of mouth because we all simply have different ideas as to what is a great service, budget or quality. Leaving reviews on google, yelp or other review capturing platforms substantially change the game, especially when it comes to search engine optimization (hello google!). Consider taking a few moments to leave one. I find them to be so helpful and sometimes even reassuring when choosing to work with a small business. I do them all the time personally!

There are so many more ways to show your support such as sending a private message (Instagram also counts this an interaction,) and using their hashtags, signing up for their newsletter or simply hitting the follow button. Sharing the love cost nothing but time and make a big difference. Especially for those small businesses in your community your contribution is beyond valuable!