Oh happy day- Jacksonville Baby Photographer.


October 3, 2011

Happy indeed.

This blog and new website has been months in the making and I am so excited to be releasing it today! I will be very honest and say that it probably could have been done *much *much sooner.. as there are no fancy bells and whistles here.  My main focus was to just make it a reflection of who I am and add a little sprinkle of prettyness here and there.  Throughout the course of the design process….I took a little detour to embark on a very special journey. I have learned so much within that time and I am so excited to be sharing it all on here eventually. Most importantly if you have ever been to the old blog  you will see how much of a mish mash or better yet a terrible case of multiple personalities syndrome it had. It was extremely important for me to take the time needed to re-brand as the type of business I wanted to be…. and reveal the photographer my clients had chosen as a whole package.  If you are new to Marie Holmes Photography you will find my upcoming posts helpful in  getting to know me a bit more. So I hope you enjoy your stay…. and don’t forget to leave me some blog love in the comments section below each post.


To start off this new adventure here is a little background story to go with this picture:

So I’m with all of my kids doing some school shopping and I happened upon the most cutest little blue eyed baby girl sitting in a cart.  I literally dropped everything I was doing and circled around one or two aisles hoping I would get the nerve to talk to mom.  One thing about me is that I am very shy amongst strangers. The people in my life could argue that, because they already know me and couldn’t picture me being “shy” as they would place me in the outgoing category. However, I’m not one to really “approach” people unless their kids are off the richter scale cute just because I don’t want them to get away. Otherwise, my business cards just collect dust in my bag.  I finally took a deep breath and approached mom. I found out that we had the same number of children almost around the same ages each with (2 boys and one girl).  After a short conversation I realized how much we had in common while both of us frantically struggled to check off our school supply lists and headed off into different directions. I left the store and went home staying glued to my email hoping she would review my work and email me a positive response.  Not long after that, the same day of our encounter shopping trip I got the email. I was to photograph her daughter!! I am totally addicted to cute babies (specifically one’s with chub rolls on their thighs) so the happy dance was on. I quickly diverged a plan to get this little blue eyed girl in front of my camera for a fall themed photo shoot. During the session we were joined by her equally adorable brothers. I also learned that dad was away in military and that these pictures would be even more meaningful to her, as they would be a way to share with dad when he returned home how much they love and miss him by gifting him these frozen moments in time he could forever hold in his pocket or in his heart. Taking these family photos are also meaningful to me in so many ways…ways that remind me why I am so passionate about what I do.

……Now I am even more convinced that there are moments like this that bring people together even when they are not…. and even when they have never met before.

more images from this session to be continued…..