Sadly many people assume having a home based photography business is easy. And while some business have workflows that might be lighter than others, the truth is…. it’s harder than stone folks. While a traditionally run business has a massive team behind them for all of the aspects needed to thrive. A smaller home based business typically does not, and usually can’t until they can eventually get to that place-that’s if they don’t fail within the first 5 years. One person often wears many many many hats. Marketing specialist, sales person, customer service rep, tech support, shipping and packaging associate, social media specialist, book keeping, studio management, event coordinator, graphic designer, business development, stylist and brand specialist, I’m sure there are more.

In addition to that, lord help you if you are also opting to stay at home and manage little one’s. You are jumping back and forth from task to task all day until you lay in bed wondering if you have even showered or ate. You work tirelessly and endlessly while trying to nurture relationships that are practically on life support.

There is no freedom. There is no easy. There is no simple, if you want success you will need to work for it. If photography is a hobby for you, then god bless you, you have no strings attached. And if you are trying to live the american dream by owning your business.. any business. Then tighten your belt strap and get ready for the wild ride.

The fact is no one….NO ONE, will ever know how much hard work you put into your business. EVER.  The right clients don’t just pop up out of no where, you have to find them, you have to market to them. Oh yeah and…it’s a lie, your work does not sell itself, you to have to sell your work to them.  There is no magic button on your camera that will make everything you need your business to do for you.

Did I ever think going in it would be this ugly? Heck no! I liked to take pretty pictures of my kids, I was outgoing, cameras were cheap and that’s all there was to it. But I can tell you this. I have never worked as hard as I do now in my entire life. Not even through a 9-5, not even in college. And I have never approached a venture that I haven’t taken seriously.

I am a mom and wife first, it is what I trained my business model to be for me after many years of training. I am an entrepreneur and a business person second and an artist last. This year marks my 5th year in business, that I started in the middle of a recession. It’s been rough, but it’s been incredibly fulfilling. There has been up’s and downs, lows and rock bottoms. This year at I am at my peak. And at the peak is exactly where I plan to stay. While some may say “oh that’s cute you get to stay home with your baby and you get paid to take pictures.. it must be nice”…. I am busy building a brand, planning my next marketing project, working B2B, creating heirlooms for families and getting dinner on the table every night, while being present and active in my children’s everyday lives. It *is* nice. They say for professional photographers that by the 5th year if you are not enjoying the fruits of your labor then it might be time to shut the doors. Looking back now, I just barely slide into home base for that one. Finding peace in myself, my family, my work and my efforts. It has gotten much harder, yet easier all in the same scope. I have found balance and a worth work ethic that puts one foot in front of the other without tripping.


I owe deep deep gratitude to my husband who never stops believing in me, my incredible mentors, my girlfriends-I feel like I’ve known you forever, some of which I really have… these past couples months which have seemed to be almost unreal you have given me incredible support. My kids, who “get” their mama and for my girl-my muse who roughs it with me into the wilderness for my artistic vision and adventures (we are city folk) and my clients, especially those who have stuck around for the ride and all the changes in the last few years. Thank you.

This month marks exactly the 5th year my journey began, for me that is where it starts. And a year later we became “official”. While I’m not blowing out candles or throwing confetti. I am feeling the celebration in my heart.

and on that note…….Happy Halloween!

pumpkin patch child session in jacksonville