She works hard for her money…. :: Jacksonville Business Portraits


April 4, 2012


Meet Jennifer Marko.

Owner and president of:  Bottle Snugglers (read more of her story below)

It was one of those random days in my life that I happen upon some *really *really amazing people.  Jennifer and I chatted about, portraits, life and being in business. I remember us having a great call and we were both excited to see what was to be created.  After getting a good idea of the vision she had for her product and checking out her work I knew instantly that I wanted to incorporate more into her story…..  a story that many of us can relate to. When I “FINALLY”  got to meet her on the day of her shoot I was just blown away with her personality and savvy business sense, I seriously wanted to bottle her up and put her in my pocket! (pun intended :)  Her son Max was no exception, and looked as adorable as could be and boy was a he smart cookie! I really felt like I was having a conversation with a grown up and I absolutely love it when the little one’s pack so much charm. I had such a great time capturing them both. She sure makes being a “momprenuer” look easy as she works both hard for herself but most importantly for her family which is her main priority.


So now for the meat of the story!

Jennifer so graciously allowed me to incorporate her images into a very special interview. I really wanted to know how she does it, how does she run a business and wear her mommy hat at the same time.   A job where you don’t “clock in”  or out..can be a very difficult task because you feel like you are always on the clock while also working double shifts as a mom and a wife.  Aside from even just doing both, the mommy job alone is a big.. big job and I think most moms can agree. Is it safe to say we could all use an extra arm, (maybe even in the form of a cute stuffed animal? ) I’ll take it! When I saw her video I immediately saw the passion that she had in her product.  In her video she talks a little bit about the story behind Bottle Snugglers and how it came to fruition. I can honestly say that everything she described I felt. Before my little guy came home for the very first time, I remember I was retouching images in my hospital bed, and soon after I got home things were in a frenzy, just like she described. I thought it was all going to be a piece of cake just like my other 2 kiddos. But work didn’t stop and I literally had a break down!  OMD! Jennifer, I wish I would have known you 19 months ago! Even though I exclusively nursed up until 14 months.. there were times I would introduce a bottle and if only I would have known about this amazing product I think life would have been a little bit easier on those days, the things I could have gotten done in just a few extra minutes with one hand!  This product is not meant to do your job,  As a matter of fact, the only way to use Bottle Snugglers is to be there physically holding your baby,  NOT propping up a bottle and leaving your baby unattended instead. It is meant to ease your job while you are still able to enjoy that bonding time that you love without feeling rushed…. and I think she explains that very well in her video.

Read on for her interview:

What is the name of your business? 

Jennifer: Bottle Snugglers

How did you find out what you wanted to call it?

Jennifer: We based the name on what the product does. It allows Mom to snuggle and interact with her baby with both hands, even during feeding time!

How long has Bottle Snugglers been around? 

Jennifer: We are just wrapping up our third year in business.

Tell us more about your product/business and how you developed the concept behind it:

Jennifer: I found this stress-relieving product when my son was an infant, and I was running a business alone. I found that I didn’t have enough hands sometimes, like when baby’s feeding time coincided with a conference call or deadline. I was trying to not let anyone down – my clients OR my baby! I actually found the product online under a different name and, once I realized how well it worked, I offered to buy the company! I re-designed the packaging, website, logo and name and re-launched the product as Bottle Snugglers in January of 2009. Today, we are in more than 50 retail stores and 15 online stores, in addition to our own web store

What makes Bottle Snugglers so unique?

Jennifer: Bottle Snugglers are very versatile. They help baby learn what it’s like to hold a bottle with their own hands; they allow Mommy to have an occasional free hand during feeding time to help herself or another child temporarily; they help Moms of multiples to keep everyone on the same schedule; and they double as a cute stuffed animal when baby is not using a bottle. Also, they go beautifully in the washing machine, so they can be saved and used for your next baby!

Do you have a store-front/ website?

Jennifer: Store-front We are in more than 50 stores, which can be found here:

What is the part you struggle with the most in your business? 

Jennifer: Having been a public relations professional prior to this business, I had to learn retail and online retail from the ground up. I also had to learn import/export, safety certifications, distribution, the difference in boutiques and big box stores…the list goes on and on! Bottle Snugglers are adorable and sweet, but believe me, it costs A LOT of money to start a product-based business. The steep learning curve plus the large investment level have been the two most challenging aspects of the business so far.

How do you balance it all?

 Jennifer: I think that true balance is a myth! Some days, I get a great deal of work done, and that is satisfying. Other days, I get to go on a field trip with my son’s kindergarten class, and that is satisfying. And other days, I get to take some time for myself: a pedicure, a little bit of a longer walk, or something like that. My husband and I keep a couple of standing date nights on the calendar, too, which is important. I do keep a running list of “accomplishments” for myself so that I can look back at the end of the month and see progress. For me, as long as I have accomplished things in each category over the month, I consider that a pretty balanced life.

Do you have any future or long term goals with your business?

Jennifer: My main goal is to start working with a distributor in 2012 so I can increase my sales volume. I would like to place Bottle Snugglers in a big box store sometime soon, though I am willing to wait for the right placement.



Thanks again to Jennifer  for such a great time and story. I absolutely love your version of balance and I think we can all take some of those ideas away with us as well.

The proof shows that as long as you have the drive, the passion and your priorities are in the right place…. anything is possible.

Jennifer is giving MHP readers 10% off on Bottle Snugglers! with this code:

JAX10 for 10% off online purchases.