
If you have been following me on the #thebethdailly52 project take extra note that I’ve made it to week 4 (which is titled “depth”)!!! I’m so excited. I didn’t set up high expectations but you know what? I am really liking this and I think I’m going to continue to push myself more. Part of my doing this project was to document more of my families life. I think I spend so much time creating for others that I left my little family on the back burner and this year it was time to change that. I also decide to switch it up a bit and do only black and white images for this entire series. In the end I hope to put together a coffee table book which I’m really looking forward to! Now another thing you will notice is that we have been mum on client sessions this entire month on the blog. Typically in January we are still shooting but we spend most of the month prepping MHP for the entire year. Yup, all 334 glorious days left.  Not having to worry so much about posting and doing the analytical part of blogging puts less pressure on me and I can focus a bit better on the meat of what’s going on. Had I jumped right in. I would suffice to say I doubt I would have even gotten this far already in this p52 photo series. Life and my calendar at best always feels..well..stacked! And it’s often hard to jam in more than I would like to do. On some even better news (maybe more for myself) we actually got our Christmas tree down before February..ha.. it’s the little things. Well things won’t be as quiet anymore this week as we jump right into month 2, don’t go too far…