

Well the big idea came a little over a year ago when I decided that I no longer wanted to do my clients a disservice by handing them a gorgeous set of images on a disk only to see them locked up in a dark drawer for who knows how long. This thought brought me to a place of guilt. Because after all who’s fault is it really. MINE.  I didn’t provide the right assistance as far as artwork choices, and it only lead my clients to be confused as to what to do with them after their session was over. And so then, as the year continued I began researching options. Every album company, every framing option, every print and paper finish I could possibly find. I searched and searched until I found the best options out there handcrafted by artisans from all over the world.  I began offering some of these amazing products to my clients and could see that I was really getting somewhere.. that clients really appreciated the fact that they now had something special and unique to put in their home. But how, but where, but which one.. and how can I order this online?

The questions were pouring in. I began visiting clients homes to help them make selections and it took long long hours!!!!! Not that I didn’t love spending time with each and everyone of you guys ;) but it took long hours for me away from my family and long hours for you.. our brains were turning into mush trying to make decsions. So I began the search again and I wanted to find out how to streamline the process and make it easy and fun and less time consuming. In addition, I wanted to create an entire experience for you that would change the way think of custom photography. As now it has become such a household name that many of us have forgotten really what it should be all about. CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHY is not about taking your family portraits in a generic setting and handing you a disk of files and sending you on your merry way. For that, a visit to your local mall portrait shop may be the best way to get it done quick and dirty. Custom photography is an investment in your family/children’s future. It should provide you with high quality products in the end as a hard copy of your investment. It should not be a discolored print from Walgreens of your baby’s beautiful little toes that will fade in 5 years.  That is unless you are wanting to pile a hunk of glue on the back side of it for scrapbooking or make a copy for Aunt Mary that lives in Boston, because let’s be frank, this is for you not her. Having your family made into a gorgeous work of art will be a priceless investment if produced with the proper materials. And this is where Marie Holmes photography comes in.

I or a Marie Holmes Photography Portrait consultant will now visit your home and show you your images projected on a large screen and on your very own walls using state of the art equipment and software. You will now be able to see how your heirloom quality family portrait or wall grouping will look above your sofa before you commit to sizes and finish options. I couple this entire experience with with a special surprise and a (delicious treat) for you to enjoy in the comfort of your own home. Prior to this we assist your family in choosing the right wardrobe that will be cohesive with the style of your home and tuck all of this information into a signature welcome packet full of literature to answer all of your questions and give you even more ideas on how to make your session fun and unique.

Not only have I restructured the way you will experience your portrait session with me, I have also created systems and processes for my studio that helps each session flow naturally through the entire experience. I have taken intensive training not only in my business approach but in the way I create and build your entire story and connect to each individual to convey natural and real expressions.

This is a complete one of a kind experience that you can only get with Marie Holmes Photography and I want to help you design your history.

Click here to meet me and find out more info on the new business model.