

Thought I would share a little bit of a “behind the scenes”.
I don’t often remember to capture my families open their goodies when they are delivered, but I can tell you that it’s like opening presents on Christmas! And when my families finally get to see the art that has been created for them, those memories are revisited again and again each time they pass the hallway on the way to the bedroom, open the front door to a rosey cheeked baby on the wall or sit down with out of town relatives and show them all the latest milestones that happened that year from gorgeous books. There is something to be said about how we feel when we look at pictures of family members we knew, or didn’t get a chance to meet. How would we ever know or really remember? It is much easier to remember a traumatic experience without a photo than it is when our mom or dad sat on the floor playing legos with us. And those forgotten times are often the one’s many of us wish we remembered more. Those pictures take us back, those pictures are what makes us remember like it was yesterday. Our senses are heightened Immediately.

The session itself I feel is a moment to let go and connect to create more than what words could ever say- “YOU ARE LOVED.” And in the hustle and bustle of everyday it is easy to be hard on ourselves and forget how present we really are in our children’s lives. My job I feel is to bridge that gap and meet those needs in a photographic way. A mission truly from my heart and this is part of the reason why I enjoy doing this everyday. Not only do I get to document love, but I get to be a small part of the joy my families feel when they relish in those fleeting moments captured on digital still.

Pictured you will see some snippets of The C family session that will be featured soon. We shot over by Atlantic Beach, in a quaint little park near the ocean. They were so amazing to work with! The boys were being boys and mom and dad got in on some of the action.  The best part is that final stage of the session experience when the big reveal happens, where everything just comes together.  And part of that experience with MHP is getting an interior portrait consultation which is what we did with the C family (and discussing things like wall color is certainly not out of the question :) We also designed a few true to scale configurations on a few different walls featuring handmade frames and also curated a compilation of images in a gorgeous fine art family album. If that wasn’t enough mom and dad also picked a large mounted print and a few desk prints for family. Overall I loved everything they picked especially the gallery collection of framed images, but the great thing is that everything was customized to their style and personal taste.

Now….  how awesome is it that they get to contribute to their history and family archives!