Three Little Women- Jacksonville Child Photographer


October 6, 2011

I had been getting a few calls about this really awesome session I did a few months back so I thought it would be fun to post a summary on the this new blog for inquiring minds.  This won’t be the last of old sessions I will be posting however, because I desperately need to catch up on the amazing families and babies I have had the pleasure of meeting so be prepared! Lot’s of fun stuff headed this way.  Anywho… that being said, in short I only took a handful of sessions including this one to focus on what I really love which is styling and creating “sets”. I can tell you that although I may have been technically sleeping in my bed every night, my mind was hard at work… at times it wouldn’t let me get a space in between thoughts so I could actually get some rest. Months of planning and thinking happened until it was time for this little idea to be unleashed. But most importantly I could have not pulled this off without the amazing mama’s and precious little angles that came that day and without the help of course of one of MHP’s own little helpers.  One thing I really love and that always inspires me is just photographing kids being kids.  “It’s okay to get mud on your’s okay to have an ice cream mustache…and it’s okay to jump on your bed”.  These are the types of things children need to be reminded of when they are just being kids. One goal during this session was to just let girls play and use their imaginations.  I really had a lot of fun planning this tea party session and I was very impressed with the outcome…. (pat on the back) thought it would be a bit more difficult getting three girls the same age to take some direction.  But they were just as sweet and if not even more willing to make their cameo appearances.  With Marie Holmes Photography, session ideas are endless….. and there is plenty of room for more traditional or laid back family or child photo shoots if you will. But like I always tell some of my clients that inquire and ask questions like “what should we do?” or “what should I wear?” this is what I will say….. “Anyone can take a family into a park or a field and snap a great photo with an expensive camera and great lenses.  It’s the idea and the inspiration behind the shoot that will tie everything together. Accessorize the session  like you would dress yourself or add the things you love… it’s not everyday you get to indulge in a custom portrait session right?”  So with that I guide my clients through a fun process and do a lot of hand holding to ensure that the session is inspired by them… and that is what we ended up with during this session…. A perfect little tea party for three little women showcasing their individual personalities in a big way.

For more information on this session type you can click here.  However, these sessions will not be available until next year.