Top Ten on Tuesday | 10 Easy Desk Workouts


February 18, 2014

With turkey days not to long ago and the cold temperatures that seem to be keeping some of us locked inside all day. You might be left wondering “how on earth am I going to shed these extra few LB’s I put on over the holiday break?”…. well you are not alone! In my line of work the actual “shooting sessions” portion of photography only accounts for 5-10% of what is done on a weekly basis. The other 90-95% consists of marketing, business management, client workflow and daily office tasks and up keep. If you are a professional photographer or anyone with an office job really, you know exactly what I mean. Often times your bum can be glued to the desk for hours and hours. Your back starts to ache, you begin cutting off circulation in your legs and your eyes start going wonky because you have been staring at the computer too long.

Here are a few easy desk workouts that you can do to help you get off your tush and get that blood flowing!

don’t we all feel like we are tied to our desks?

An intro to take very seriously in this video!

I was showing my kids this new found exercise in the car and they (including neighboring cars) were looking at me like I was cray.

tone my abs in my chair, now your talking my language

cardio from a seated position…

this video has some great push-ups and sqaut exercises

Pilates at your desk.. um sure!

Maybe you want to work on some core areas?

butt and legs…



well there ya go! no excuses people =)